We’ve consistently been impressed by videos people have created of their scans. The level of creativity and polish that go into these is truly amazing. For example, here are a few that Emmanuel de Maistre recently posted to Twitter:
Hardly a day goes by without someone asking us how to make videos like these of their own. We’ve generally recommended posting to Sketchfab and making a screen recording in a web browser.
When you have enough time, you can create great videos this way. But sometimes, you just want to share a quick video directly from your device. Now you can, with the new video creation tools in Scaniverse.
Choose a standard animation or make your own
To create a video, press Share > Create Video while viewing a scan. This will launch the video creator, where you can customize the animation and appearance of your video.
Hardly a day goes by without someone asking us how to make videos like these of their own. We’ve generally recommended posting to Sketchfab and making a screen recording in a web browser.
When you have enough time, you can create great videos this way. But sometimes, you just want to share a quick video directly from your device. Now you can, with the new video creation tools in Scaniverse.
Choose a standard animation or make your own
To create a video, press Share > Create Video while viewing a scan. This will launch the video creator, where you can customize the animation and appearance of your video.

We offer a variety of animations (shown above) that can be selected by pressing the Motion button. The first 7 animations are available for all scans. Scans captured with Scaniverse 1.6 and later can also use the Walkthrough animation which retraces the path you took as you captured the scan.
If none of the standard animations is right for your scan, you can record your own with the Custom option.
Customize speed, angle, target & more
We’ve tried to make the video creation process highly customizable, while also providing sensible defaults.
If an animation feels too fast or slow, you can adjust its timing by pressing the Speed button and moving the slider.
Most animations can be adjusted by interacting with the video preview — use 1 finger to rotate, 2 fingers to pan, and pinch to zoom. Double-tap to set the center point. This point will stay fixed while the camera moves around it.
Press the Shape button to set the aspect ratio of the video. You can select vertical (9:16), widescreen (16:9), or anything in between.
Finally, we offer a variety of background colors that can be applied by pressing the Backdrop button. Combine these with Scaniverse’s built-in filters to dial in the exact look you want.
Want to learn more? Check out this video, which demonstrates the basics:
Start creating video today
Unleash your creativity and share your scans in new places with video — new in Scaniverse 1.6, available on the App Store today.